Why You Should Send Your Child to a Private School in North York

Why You Should Send Your Child to a Private School in North York

Private Schools in North York: Finding a Place to Belong



If you didn't attend private school, you may not know much about this type of education. A generation of us have grown up with our idea of private schools being modeled after that found in J.K. Rowling’s famous Harry Potter Novels – Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Are private schools really like Hogwarts? Surprisingly, some Toronto private schools do have some of the best characteristics of Hogwarts!


A Sense of Belonging


The best private schools engender a great sense of loyalty and affection. Like Hogwarts, many of them have a system whereby new students are sorted into "houses.” Older students in each house mentor younger house members. Achievements of each member earn points for his or her house, making each house member a part of a group effort.


Another way that private schools make students feel a part of things is with the establishment of extracurricular clubs. These give students a chance to socialize and work on projects with other students who have similar interests. These can include debate societies, gaming clubs, drama clubs, photography clubs, math clubs, and organizations that involve various types of art, music, robotics, and even investing, for the junior entrepreneur! Some schools put out regular newspapers, or an annual yearbook. Students can work together on these projects as well. Some schools also participate in outside activities such as "Reach For The Top,” the television program that showcases the knowledge of teams from various schools, or SOMUNA, a model United Nations project perfectly suited to those students interested in politics and global issues.


Values and Sportsmanship


Hogwarts instills Harry and its other students with many values to help them become strong human beings, and to help them in the fight against evil. These timeless values, such as integrity, responsibility, taking constructive risks, service to the community, respect, self-discipline, and championing what is right are the kinds of values that stand people in good stead in school. This will reflect in their careers, and in life. Better Toronto private schools encourage these same values in their students, along with others such as the love for learning.


Harry's Quidditch experiences help him to discover reserves of strength and courage, to push himself to the limit, and more. Many of the GTA's best schools put emphasis on sports, and offer tremendous athletic programs. Although no flying brooms are involved, the athletic programs at finer private schools provide challenges at various levels and encourage participation by all students. The best programs offer traditional team sports such as;  soccer, softball, volleyball, football, and hockey.  They also may provide individual sports like track, swimming, and tennis. Fun activities like Frisbee and table tennis allow less athletic children to excel, and sports like snowboarding provide natural athletes with challenges.


Although your child won't be able to attend Hogwarts, he or she may well be able to experience the magic of a GTA private school! During these years when students are vulnerable to strong emotion, and susceptible to influences that may not be healthy, finding a place to belong can ground and anchor them. Explore websites, attend "Open House” events, and speak to school administrators. Give your child the gift of belonging.

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